Arstec Polska Sp. z o. o. was registered in September 2015. Thanks to many years of experience of the Norwegian company Arstec AS and the network of contacts in Denmark, Germany and Austria, we can offer the highest quality products for the road and water and sewage industry. We are constantly looking for modern and effective solutions for you. We introduce environmentally friendly products that at the same time meet the highest strength and utility requirements. Please see our offer . Our company's office is located in Katowice. We work with water and sewage municipalities, road companies, road authorities as well as all companies related to the industries mentioned. We operate throughout Poland.
Company strategy
For years, we have been gaining experience from various countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, the United States in order to be able to improve the best solutions in Poland. Our goal is to provide you with the most modern methods of road and concrete repairs in both road and water and sewage sectors.
Trust is the most important value for our company. We are always ready to share advise and experience with you. We place importance on long term relatioships with our customers and suppliers.